Sunday 20 February 2011


Hello, if anybody is there!

This is a slight trial run, as a blog is something that Ive wanted to do for a while, however I find the prospect of it quite intimidating. I'm also going back to school in a week, where the staff have decided that any form of blogging fun is simply WRONG and SO not allowed! So sorry if posts seem to disintegrate for periods of time.

Anyway back to the blog itself, Its kind of random and maybe as I get a bit into it Ill find a sort of recurring theme of interest. But for the moment its just clothes, shoes, art, photography, links, basically anything that at interests me.

The name of my blog comes from my cousin Rose, who passed away a few months ago now, and its sort of a tribute to her. She was only eight years old, utterly gorgeous and had a shitty form of cancer, which she managed to conquer for years longer then any doctor ever guessed she could have lived. Anyway her story is tragic but incredible, and her mother, Charlotte, wrote a blog called 'our amazing rose' all the way throughout her illness. Its the most incredible thing I have ever read and i would suggest it to anybody, as it would touch anyone, even if they never met Rose.

But yes, I think Ive said as much as I possibly can about myself!

Wicked.. enjoy (this most likely failure of a blog)!


1 comment:

  1. Hi, I found your blog through a Google search of "Jade McSorely".

    Just wanted you to know that I was here and enjoyed reading your blog. I looked at every page (in reverse order haha)

